Members of the Trust

Sri S.Regupathy Former Minister- Govt Of India and Govt-Of Tamilnadu

As your click on and browse, you will have a fair idea of our infrastructure and motivation. We welcome learners from all over India and overseas.

Our student profile has a truly international character. Our faculty are handpicked for scholarship, experience and dedication to duty. The Campus breathes a rare ambience of mutual love and respect between the teachers and the taught.

The Management is eager to build up the latest infrastructure and learning resources. We endeavour to give you the best possible in campus life. Our library and laboratory facilities are really enviable. So too, the facilities for sports and games. We aim at holistic education. Our graduates go out as complete men imbued with a very high degree of dedication to duty and capacity for selfless service.

Many of the courses offered are of an interdisciplinary nature and reflect the latest advancements in various fields. The electives offered also reflect our eagerness to move with the times.

Naturally our Alumni are well placed within India and overseas. Let me invite you to partake our quest for excellence in education and thus become active crusaders in the process of building up a new resurgent India.

I welcome you to this portal .As you browse through ,you will see that we look upon education as a man-making endeavour.Our perspective is on the holistic development of the human personality.

We seek to establish a life-long association with our students.To this end,we provide the best infrastructure, adopt learner-centred policies and programmes and invite all stake-holders to participate in the adventure of teaching-learning—in fact all pedagogic processes from curriculum –design to methods of evaluation.

We provide the maximum scope for individual enterprise without compromising on the ideals of social and national commitment.

With the advent of autonomy consequent on our long association with the NAAC,we seek to attain and sustain exacting standards of excellence through comparison and emulation.We are determined to fare forward ,fully conscious of the social responsibilities we have to discharge .

N.Subramanian Bsc,LLB,PGDip in Mgt(Australia)

Message From Managent -Trustee Dr.Kavitha Subramanian M.Com,M.Phil,Ph.D.,LLB

I am happy to welcome you to this portal.What you see in the pages of the site is only a sampling of what is in store for you once you join us.We seek to build up a tradition of excellence and dedicated effort in the cause of higher education .

You will do well to go through our Vision and Mission statements with care. They are no mere verbiage ,but flagposts that guide us in all our endeavours.We want you to emerge from our portals as full human beings endowed with all the qualities of head and heart that will fit you into society and make you an agent of socio-political change to usher in a new earth and a new sky for all humanity ,wherein ,as Tagore envisaged ,narrow walls will crumble to awaken humanity to the Upanishadic vision of Vasudeva kudumbakam

It is our endeavour to build up a synthesis of eastern philosophy and western pragmatism.This campus will train your intelligence,intellect and emotions,enrich your personality and shape you to your full potential.

It is this humanistic crusade that has nourished our institution to its present ambience. I welcome you to the J.J experience .Once in ,you will see the change.You will take wings and fly to your destination. We will help you to fly in the right direction. You will definitely home in to cheer us .We will care for you; together we will care for the world.

Dear parents and students,

Hearty greetings to all of you . We want our children to get the best of everything.This is all the more true of education.

We ,at J.J,have an excellent team to enable your wards to grow to their full potential.Our programme-profile will reveal our plans for your children.

Our syllabi are fine-tuned to harmonise scholarship and practical efficiency.Our Boards of Studies have been careful to emulate and improve upon the best among our peers.

Our teaching methods are student- centered.

We train rather than teach. We also try to bestow individual attention on every learner.

It is our student-centric approach that has brought us to our present status. Now it is your chance to join us and grow with us.

- Principal